Trading Indices and Commodities – Everything you need to know! | FTMO

Hello traders in this video we will look at different commodities and equity indices and their specific behaviors, [music] gold, nasdaq, dex or crude oil are extremely popular instruments that are traded in our ftml platform compared to forex, where we separate instruments into three brackets majors miners and exotics, and all of them have … Ler mais

How to download stock indices data from DataStream

Welcome to this data stream tutorial explaining how to find data for stock indices. Before watching this tutorial, we recommend that you first work through the guide logging on and getting started with data stream. All that you’ve watched that tutorial, and we also recommend that you begin with our first video tutorial, which is … Ler mais


Fala pessoal tudo bem com, vocês, nesse, vídeo, vou, mostrar, várias, das, formas, mais, utilizadas, no excel eu vou deixar aí abaixo, a descrição uma surpresa que complementa esse vídeo então vocês podem baixar gratuitamente, tá bom mas antes da gente começar uma pergunta pra você porque você está estudando, o excel é para fins, … Ler mais


Indicadores económicos en vivo indicadores económicos divisas el dólar, trm subió dos mil 633 pesos el euro bajó dos mil 764 pesos el bolívar, 219 pesos el café bajó 1! 31 dólares el petróleo, bajó 48! 17 dólares ctf, 4. 42, por, ciento, vr, doscientos, 16? 98, indicadores económicos con en vivo en bucaramanga televisión, … Ler mais

Miller Indices of Directions

Hello today we will start a new topic till now we have been discussing ah bravais lattices, fourteen bravais, lattices and seven crystal systems. We looked how symmetry helps in classification of crystals into these schemes! We will now start a new topic, the miller indices of directions and planes? These are techniques or tools … Ler mais